Welcome to Design Instigators

There is no design without discipline.
There is no discipline without intelligence.

Design Instigators is a well recognized architecture, interiors and landscape firm with over thirty years of experience in designing and building landscapes for a broad range of public, private and corporate clients. We understand design as a process of discovery: an ongoing exercise that engages knowledge, intuition, values and inspiration. At Design Instigators, the core of the design approach is the artistic soul which we strive to foster from conceptualization to project implementation. It is this core which gives our work a unique identity. Our landscapes are firmly rooted in a comprehensive understanding of site and context which are developed in conjunction with the client to create places that have positive impact. Design Instigators is a complete solution provider with an innovative outlook which gives each project a timeless value. Issues of environmental and ecological concern, sustainability and energy efficiency form an intrinsic part of our approach.

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What we do


Design Instigators are strategic thinkers who work to ground complex landscape planning and large scale masterplan projects through engagement with local communities, character ecology.


The changing needs of modern society have made the role of the architecturally aware interior designer increasingly prominent. In retail especially, a building is often redesigned on the interior only with the original shell of the building remaining unchanged. This kind of renovation project is the true realm of interior architecture.


Exterior designing is the process of designing the exterior appearance of a home. When you approach a particular home, its external appearance is the first thing that comes to your notice. The look and feel of the exterior of a home can have a welcoming effect in your mind or it can have a repulsive quality which can discourage you from entering the home.


Architecture is both the process and the product of planning, designing, and constructing buildings or any other structures. Architectural works, in the material form of buildings, are often perceived as cultural symbols and as works of art. Historical civilizations are often identified with their surviving architectural achievements.


Landscape architecture is the design of outdoor areas, landmarks, and structures to achieve environmental, social-behavioural, or aesthetic outcomes. It involves the systematic investigation of existing social, ecological, and soil conditions and processes in the landscape, and the design of interventions that will produce the desired outcome.

Conceptual Development

Concept development is a process of developing ideas to solve specified design problems. The concepts are developed in phases, from formless idea to precise message in an appropriate form with supportive visuals and content.

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